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Ghana Banku is a traditional Ghanaian dish that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is made from fermented corn dough and cassava dough and is typically served with a variety of soups and stews. Try ours and have the best feeling there is


We serve jollof rice with fried plantains, stewed goat,Ā roast chicken,Ā oxtails, orĀ short ribs. It is absolutely perfect to serve with these dishes. Each bite is magical. You can see why it has existed for many centuries. Oder yours now and enjoy the best you have ever tasted


CHARLES & RAY EAMES, 1956 Lounge Chair Amet nibh vel tristique dui id ridiculus ligula scelerisque faucibus platea a est

Plantain with Stew/Soup

FAMES AD SODALES   Nostra condimentum dui cras sodales sed ut adipiscing ad suspendisse consectetur nam placerat sceler isque suspe

Yam with stew/soup

IMPERDIET HIMENAEOS MATTIS A a at habitasse inceptos a quisque nibh ut arcu et dictum laoreet elit ante scelerisque libero